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IMPORTANT - When ordering styli please check that the shape of the stylus shown is the same as the stylus you are replacing and if the stylus fitted is different (except for colour) then Contact Us if you need assistance choosing the right stylus as it is possible that the original cartridge installed has been changed to another type requiring a different stylus replacement.

Vaco Piezo SC-501 Stylus Ref 561D

Vaco Piezo SC-501 Stylus Ref 561D

Price: £10.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 561D compatible with Vaco Piezo SC501 as fitted to cartridges for turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: ABC, Arista, Atlas & Vaco substitute Pickering Mono Redhead & Blackhead cartridges (check stylus shape)
Record Player Models: Aiwa CX306, CX308, CX309, CX313, CX400, CX405, CX406, CX410, P171, P172, Benytone M7130L, Bradford 57240, 57257, Brother BR32, Calrad 515, Capehart 18MX1, 18X1, 8TP205R, CP207, PM4, RPM1, TPM25, TPM26, Channel Master 6454, Concert Hall 112, 122, 330-340, Continental EL1461, Coronado 2383, Decca 161, 699, Delmonico 1125U, 120, CTV373, Dorchester HEC400, HEC450, MC500, RP25, RP50, RP75, Electrophonic 354, Emerson MS105, MS111, MS112, SA31, Europhon 1631, K5050, P223, T223, Hitachi HG1101, HG1202, SDT9411, XTS100, SDT7710, Leaphon 5050 0, Kosmophon TM2000, Lloyds BW1R817, Magnavox 1P214, 1P2504, 1P2505, 1P2506, CRC900, FS175, FS185, FS700, MS105E, MS120E, MS124, MS172, MS1000, PCF75S, PCF170, R806, National Panasonic SC501, SC502, SC505, SC510, SC601, SC602S, SE840B, SG451, SG453, SG760, SG1010, SG1012, SG1020, Penncrest 1741, 1770, 1789, 1906, 4208,4217, 6373, Realistic 13-119, 13-1161, 13-1162, Clarinette 12, 14, 15, Ross RE514, RE515, RE516, Seeburg 100B-201 Jukebox (cartridge type above), Sony 151, 160, HP100, HP101, HP110, HP151, PS48, PS50, Soundesign 6466, Symphonic 2104, Teletone 1697, 1797, KPR712, PM2, Tensai Compo S, Toshiba 2100, 2900, SM200, SM270, SM320, SM2700, SM2900, SM3000, TP102, TP106, TP114
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 6 grams, Colour: Gold (may vary)

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