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Sonotone 2T Stylus ST/78 Ref 456S

Sonotone 2T Stylus ST/78 Ref 456S

Price: £9.00

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Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 456S compatible with Sonotone 2T Stereo/78 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: 2T Series
Record Player Models: Airline 301, 302, 856, 1057, 2501, 2602, 2603, Ambassador BHF, MHF 100, 400, PA8HF, PA65, PPC55, Bush SRP319, Comix Party, Decca 348, 710, 711, 730, 731, Firestone 4A 113, 126, RCA 21VF869, Schneider Danza 451, Sears 8239, 8242/43/44/45/46/47
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 8 to 9 grams, Colour: Black/Brass (may vary)

Sonotone 3T Stylus Ref 457S

Sonotone 3T Stylus Ref 457S

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 457S compatible with Sonotone 3T Stereo/78 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: 3T Series
Record Player Models: Sears 8253, 8259
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 6 to 7 grams, Colour: Black/Brass (may vary)

Sonotone 8T LPS/LPS Stylus Ref T200SS-SS - No Longer Stocked

Sonotone 8T LPS/LPS Stylus Ref T200SS-SS - No Longer Stocked

Price: £16.00

out of stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref T200SS-SS compatible with Sonotone 8T, 8TA, 8TAHC, 8T4A LPS/LPS as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: 8D, 8T, 8TA, 8T-4
Record Player Models: AMI 2300, 2304, 2310, 2400, 2404, 2410, 2500, 2504, 2510, 2600, 2610, Bush SRG100, SRG106, Monarch SRP31, SRP31D, SRP41, Magnavox 560247, Wurlitzer 2300, 2304, 2310, 2400, 2404, 2410, 2500, 2504, 2510, 2600, 2610
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 4 to 6 grams, Colour: Black/Brass (may vary)

Sonotone 9TA ST/78 Stylus Ref 211SN

Sonotone 9TA ST/78 Stylus Ref 211SN

Price: £10.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 211SN ST/78 compatible with Sonotone 9TA, 16T as fitted to Sonotone cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: 9TA
Record Player Models: Admiral 501C, 501M, 4750, 4785, 4819, 5042, 5043, 5047, 5049, Ambassador 930, 1822, 1822U, 1823, 657, 657A, Bradford 95216B, 96088, 96099, Bush SRG 143 Mk 2, SRP51, Catalina 2260, 2263, Columbia 1614, 1820W, 1850W, 4020, 4040, Coronado 9720, 9721, 9722, 9723, Decca Capri RP613, Delmonico Stockholm, Dynatron 13A, 21A, RG37, Dynavox 388, 764, Emerson 520, 521, 522, 523, 804B, 900B, Hitachi P502, Motorola 23CFR41, VM32, VM37, VM44, VM54, VM55, VM57, VM58, VM68, VM72, VM73, VM74, VM75, VM82SK66, SK67, SK68, SK69, Penncrest 262FM, 662FM, 721, 2052, 5596, 7611, 7615, 7715, 7792, 7795, Pilot 505, 700, 900, Pye 1010, Sears 3069, 3070, 3078-1, 3195, 3196, 3197, 3198, 3199, 4064, 4065, 4066, 4067, 4068, 4069, 4070, 4173, Symphonic 4CS77, 4CS78, 4CS79, 7030, T4PN65, T4PN503, Telex-Phonola 2571, 3063, Westinghouse H79, H81, H89, H90, HC5200-HC5213, HF1020, HF1021, HF1022, HF1023, HM1650, HM1430, HM1431, HM1432, HM1433, HM1650, HM1651, HM1652, HM1653, HM1700, HM1701, HM1702, HM1703, HM1750, HM1751, HM1753, HM1790, HM1791, HM1793, HM1800, HM1801, HM1803, HM1900, HM1901, HM1903
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 3 grams, Colour: Grey

Sonotone 9TA ST/78 Stylus Ref 211DN - Discontinued

Sonotone 9TA ST/78 Stylus Ref 211DN - Discontinued

Price: £12.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 211DN ST/78 compatible with Sonotone 9TA, 16T as fitted to Sonotone cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: 9TA
Record Player Models: See Sonotone 9TA ST/78 Stylus Ref 211SN
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 3 grams, Colour: Yellow

Alternative Sonotone 9TA Sapphire ST/78 Replacement Stylus

Sonotone 9 TAHC Stylus Ref 465S LPS/78

Sonotone 9 TAHC Stylus Ref 465S LPS/78

Price: £10.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 465S ST/78 compatible with Sonotone 9TAHC as fitted to Sonotone cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: 9TAHC
Record Player Models: Bush SRG143 MkII, SRP51, Decca Capri RP613, Dynatron 13A, 21A, RG37, Pye 1010, Telex Phonola 2571, 3063
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Grey/Yellow (may vary)

Sonotone 9 TAHC ST/78 Stylus Ref 465DN - Discontinued

Sonotone 9 TAHC ST/78 Stylus Ref 465DN - Discontinued

Price: £12.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 465DN ST/78 compatible with Son-O-Flex 9-TAHC as fitted to Sonotone cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: 9TAHC
Record Player Models: Bush 3500, SRG143 MkII, SRP51, Curtes Mathes Stereo Console, Decca Capri RP613, Dynatron 13A, 21A, GR14 Cordova, Henley RG33W, RG37, SRX24, SRX26, HMV 2018, Garrard AT5 SP25 Mk I/II (check shape), Hacker Serenade RG16, Pye Cambridge, Plessey 9TAHC, Pye 1010, Telex Phonola 2571, 3063, Vernitron 9TAHC
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond ST/Sapphire 78, Tracking Force: 2 - 4 grams, Colour: Yellow (may vary)

Sonotone 21T ST/78 Stylus Ref 222SN

Sonotone 21T ST/78 Stylus Ref 222SN

Price: £10.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 222SN ST/78 compatible with Sonotone 21T, 22T, 23T, 24T, 31T, 35T as fitted to Sonotone cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Plessey, Vernitron, Sonotone 21T, 22T, 23T, 24T, 31T, 35T
Record Player Models: Realistic Stereo Clarinette 95
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Grey

Sonotone V100, V101 Stylus Ref 660D - Discontinued

Sonotone V100, V101 Stylus Ref 660D - Discontinued

Price: £23.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 660D compatible with Sonotone V100, V101 as fitted to Sonotone cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: V100, V101
Record Player Models: Ambassador Audio 3, Bush 1500, 3049, 3541, 7840, 8DT7820, Dynatron Beaufort RG6, GC1830PW, MC1010CR, MC1930PM, RG96, SRX20, SRX32, Expert Group 40, 42, Ferguson 30D, 3494, 3920, 3921, 3981, Studio 1000, Studio 30D, Studio 40D, Garrard GA155, SP25 MkIV, Hacker G600, MC600, Hinari, Hitachi, LO-D, DSST110, SDT150, SDT160, SDT2480R, SDT7640, SDT7820, SDT7840, SDT9820, Juliette JCA20, Murphy 3200A, Stereo Sound 601SD, Ultra 6920, 6923
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

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