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IMPORTANT - When ordering styli please check that the shape of the stylus shown is the same as the stylus you are replacing and if the stylus fitted is different (except for colour) then Contact Us if you need assistance choosing the right stylus as it is possible that the original cartridge installed has been changed to another type requiring a different stylus replacement.

Sanyo Fisher STG10 Stylus Ref 234D

Sanyo Fisher STG10 Stylus Ref 234D

Price: £16.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 234D compatible with Sanyo STG10 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG10MM
Record Player Models: Amstrad Compact CD2000, Bonds BT340MC, BT670MC, Continental Edison TD9634, Daewo Daytron AMC680CD, Goldstar GCD60P, GSM6800, Pride II MC, Graetz GS641, Inkel AV2000, La Maison de Valerie K8.SS90.01, La Redoute 519.3415, Sanyo (Fisher) GTX410, GXT70, GXT202, GXT202, GXT230, GXT255, Sherwood DP2300L, Siemens RS260
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2.5 to 3.5 grams, Colour: Blue/Lilac (may vary)

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