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Audio Technica AT81CP P-Mount Moving Magnet Cartridge

Audio Technica AT81CP P-Mount Moving Magnet Cartridge

RRP: £30.00

Price: £27.00

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The AT81CP P Mount Cartridge replacement for AT300P has been re-designed specifically for T4P type plug in cartridges on Technics, Hitachi, Pioneer and similar linear tracking turntables.
Type VM
MountingP Mount
Weight 6.0 g
Stylus Bonded Conical 0.6 mil
Cantilever ABS with Carbon 20° Vertical tracking angle
Tracking Force 1.0 - 1.5 g (1.25 g Standard)
Output Voltage 3.5 mV (1kHz, 5cm/s)
Frequency Response 20Hz-20kHz
Channel Balance 2.5 dB @ 1kHz
Channel Separation 18 dB (1kHz)
Coil Impedance 2.2 kOhm (1kHz)
Coil Inductance 400 mH (1kHz)
DC Resistance410 Ohms
Recommended Load Capacitance 100 - 200 pF
Recommended Load Impedance 47 kOhm

Tonar Clean Tip Carbon Fibre Stylus Brush

Tonar Clean Tip Carbon Fibre Stylus Brush

Price: £9.00

in stock

The Tonar Clean Tip stylus brush is made up of densely packed short carbon fibre filaments that are very effective to keep the fine stylus tip clear of dirt and other deposits that can course interference and mis-tracking over the record groove. Use the Clean Tip stylus brush with care moving from the back to the front of the cantilever over the stylus tip 3 or 4 times only.

Milty Anti-Static Carbon Fibre Record Brush

Milty Anti-Static Carbon Fibre Record Brush

Price: £19.99

out of stock

Milty Anti-Static Carbon Fibre Record Brush - removes unwanted dust, dirt or small particles from your vinyl record whilst reducing any static charges

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