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Philips F1650, F1652, GP209 Stylus Sanyo ST05 Ref T6175DS

Philips F1650, F1652, GP209 Stylus Sanyo ST05 Ref T6175DS

Price: £16.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with ST05/ Philips F1650, F1652 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: GP209, CZ800
Record Player Models: 1650, 1652, AS405, AS445 midi, AS665C, CD562, CD565, F1260, F1275, F1285, F1385, F1462, F1463, F1465, F1485, F1620, F1650, F1652, F1662, F1664, F1667, F1675, FCD185, FCD385, FCD463, FCD465, FCD560, FCD562, FCD563, FCD565, FCD585, FCD1485, FP240, FP9400, FP9410, FT9400, Q510AR, ST362
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 3 to 5 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

78 RPM Stylus Sanyo ST05 78

Philips FP260 Stylus, Sanyo ST09 Ref T6259DS

Philips FP260 Stylus, Sanyo ST09 Ref T6259DS

Price: £19.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with ST09/ Philips FP260 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG2510
Record Player Models: AH300, AH500, AH505, AH604, AK591 (some), AK695, AK1395, AS9300, C2, F1395 (some), FCD395, FCD595, FP260, FP9500, FP9600, FS240, FS260, FS290, FSB241, FSB261, FSB291, FSB297, SP9300, SR827
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2.5 to 3 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Philips GP772 Stylus, Sanyo Fisher ST66D Ref T6164DS

Philips GP772 Stylus, Sanyo Fisher ST66D Ref T6164DS

Price: £23.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Sanyo ST66D/Philips GP772 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG67
Record Player Models: C735, C760, C780, DH740, DH760, DH780, F773, F775, F777, F880, F883, F885, FP575, FP772, FP775, PROFI 77-10, PROFI 77-20, PROFI 88-30 MkII
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.25 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Philips FP780 Stylus, Audio Technica  ATN3600 Ref T917DS

Philips FP780 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3600 Ref T917DS

Price: £23.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Audio Technica ATN3600/Philips FP780 as fitted to Philips cartridges and record players below:
Cartridge Numbers: AT3600, FP780
Record Player Models: F880, F883, F885, FCD285, FCD485, FCD885
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Philips GP204, GP205 Stylus Ref 127S

Philips GP204, GP205 Stylus Ref 127S

Price: £12.00

out of stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 127S compatible with Philips GP204, GP205 as fitted to Philips cartridges and record players below:
Cartridge Numbers: GP204, GP205
Record Player Models: Imperator GC1500, Philips 103, 412, 603, 661, 827, 836, 839, 841, 946 5550, AE29000 AKDS, F3X, F5X, F6X, GA143, GA146, GA160, GA161, GA205, GA532, GA632, GF103, GF113, GF210, GF233, GF245, GF248, GF300, GF303, GF328, GF332,, GF340, GF347, GF403, GF443, GF446, GF503, GF504, GF533, GF560, GF603, GF604, GF628, GF633, GF660, GF661, GF705, GF715, GF732, GF805, GF815, GR804, NG2432, RH813, RH814, Radiola RA603-28, RA4074, RA4130, RA4201, RA4233, RA4330, RA4430, RA4450, RA4474, RA4850, RA4880, Schneider TS2100
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Grey (may vary)

Replacement Cartridge Philips GP204 - Only a Few Left In Stock

Philips GP205 Stylus Ref 127D

Philips GP205 Stylus Ref 127D

Price: £17.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Philips GP204, GP205 as fitted to Philips cartridges and record players below:
Cartridge Numbers: GP204, GP205
Record Player Models: Imperator GC1500, Philips 103, 412, 603, 661, 827, 836, 839, 841, 946 5550, AE29000 AKDS, F3X, F5X, F6X, GA143, GA146, GA160, GA161, GA205, GA532, GA632, GF103, GF113, GF210, GF233, GF245, GF248, GF300, GF303, GF328, GF332,, GF340, GF347, GF403, GF443, GF446, GF503, GF504, GF533, GF560, GF603, GF604, GF628, GF633, GF660, GF661, GF705, GF715, GF732, GF805, GF815, GR804, NG2432, RH813, RH814, Radiola RA603-28, RA4074, RA4130, RA4201, RA4233, RA4330, RA4430, RA4450, RA4474, RA4850, RA4880, Schneider TS2100
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Grey (may vary)

Philips GP212 Stylus ST/78 Ref 128SN

Philips GP212 Stylus ST/78 Ref 128SN

Price: £12.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 128SN GP212, GP213 Stereo/78 compatible with Philips Norelco cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: Philips GP212, GP213
Record Player Models: Dynatron HFC11, SRX25, Philips 808, 990, RH207, RH227, RH423, RH741, RH850, RH851, RH940, RH943, Premio AHC N212, PE65, Pye 1557
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Ivory (may vary)

Philips GP214 Cartridge Ref T2061 - Discontinued

Philips GP214 Cartridge Ref T2061 - Discontinued

Price: £25.00

out of stock

Replacement Ceramic Cartridge substitut complete with Sapphire Stylus Ref T2061 compatible with Philips GP214, GP215 as fitted to Philips cartridges and record players below:
Cartridge Numbers: GP214, GP215
Record Player Models: Philips 133, 270, 280, 380, 390, 392, 412, 423, 462, 523, 614, 623, 714, 807, 811, 814, 827, 901, 943, 1210, 1410, 85851, 22AH970, AB960, AF372, AF382, AF390, AF461, AF471, AF571, AF572, AF877, AH960, AH963, AH970, B14, D5220, D5320, D5420, D5422, D5520, D8734, F1040, F1042, F1125, F1130, F1131, F1140, F1141, F1155, F1210, F1231, F1240, F1241, F1250, F1340, F1340R, F1350, F1355, F1356, F1410, F1420, F1465, F1551, F1552, F1560, F1650, F1652, FCD465, FCD562, FCD762, GA145, GA146, GA161, GA205, GA214, GA224, GA228, GA532, GA632, GF040, GF043, GF044, GF044, GF100, GF103, GF110, GF113, GF123, GF133, GF148, GF210, GF227, GF228, GF233, GF245, GF248, GF251, GF300, GF303, GF328, GF332, GF340, GF347, GF351, GF372, GF382, GF403, GF410, GF432, GF443, GF446, GF447, GF503, GF504, GF523, GF528, GF533, GF603, GF614, GF623, GF628, GF632, GF633, GF651, GF660, GF661, GF705, GF714, GF715, GF732, GF805, GF827, GF851, GF804, GF814, GR245, Intergrati HiFi, Kubo 25, Laser 1700, Laser 2000, Laser 2500, NG84, RB850, RB940, Sound Rack, Radiola CC151, CC361, CM761, CM763, CS451, CS464, CS466, CS467, CS633, CS663, CX451, CX663, F1420, RA207, RA251, RA351-28, RA514-28, RA614, RA814, RA850-28, RA940, RA943-28, Schneider ST104, ST6155, TR3502
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 5 grams, Colour: Black/Red (may vary)

Alternative Philips GP215 Cartridge

Philips GP215 Cartridge Ref 588D

Philips GP215 Cartridge Ref 588D

Price: £40.00

in stock

Replacement Ceramic Cartridge complete with Diamond Stylus Ref 588D compatible with Philips GP214, GP215 as fitted to Philips cartridges and record players below:
Cartridge Numbers: GP214, GP215
Record Player Models: Philips 133, 270, 280, 380, 390, 392, 412, 423, 462, 523, 614, 623, 714, 807, 811, 814, 827, 901, 943, 1210, 1410, 85851, 22AH970, AB960, AF372, AF382, AF390, AF461, AF471, AF571, AF572, AF877, AH960, AH963, AH970, B14, D5220, D5320, D5420, D5422, D5520, D8734, F1040, F1042, F1125, F1130, F1131, F1140, F1141, F1155, F1210, F1231, F1240, F1241, F1250, F1340, F1340R, F1350, F1355, F1356, F1410, F1420, F1465, F1551, F1552, F1560, F1650, F1652, FCD465, FCD562, FCD762, GA145, GA146, GA161, GA205, GA214, GA224, GA228, GA532, GA632, GF040, GF043, GF044, GF044, GF100, GF103, GF110, GF113, GF123, GF133, GF148, GF210, GF227, GF228, GF233, GF245, GF248, GF251, GF300, GF303, GF328, GF332, GF340, GF347, GF351, GF372, GF382, GF403, GF410, GF432, GF443, GF446, GF447, GF503, GF504, GF523, GF528, GF533, GF603, GF614, GF623, GF628, GF632, GF633, GF651, GF660, GF661, GF705, GF714, GF715, GF732, GF805, GF827, GF851, GF804, GF814, GR245, Intergrati HiFi, Kubo 25, Laser 1700, Laser 2000, Laser 2500, NG84, RB850, RB940, Sound Rack, Radiola CC151, CC361, CM761, CM763, CS451, CS464, CS466, CS467, CS633, CS663, CX451, CX663, F1420, RA207, RA251, RA351-28, RA514-28, RA614, RA814, RA850-28, RA940, RA943-28, Schneider ST104, ST6155, TR3502
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 5 grams, Colour: Black/White (may vary)

Philips GP330, GP350, GP351 Stylus Ref 578D

Philips GP330, GP350, GP351 Stylus Ref 578D

Price: £23.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 578D compatible with Philips GP330, GP350. GP351 cartridge as fitted to Philips FP140, FP142, FP146, FP148, FP150, FP362, FP364DD, FP365, FP440, FP455, FP650, FP763, M100, M200, M300, M400, M500, CDF445, F150, F151, F152D, F254, F257, F258, F362, F363, F364, F365, F435S, F440, F443, F453, F455, F464, F465, F567, F1575, F1645, F7114, F7130, F7135, F7230, Laser 32, Laser 40, Laser 42, Laser 50, Laser 55, Laser 62, Laser 3000, Laser 3200, Laser 4000, Laser 4200, Laser 5000, Laser 5005, Laser 6200, Laser F150, Laser F151, Laser F1560, Laser F NOIR, Midi 31, Midi 35, Midi 36, Midi 50, Midi 80, Midi 2300, Midi 2320, Midi 2420, Midi CDF 445, Midi F257, Midi F258, Midi F435, Midi F440, Midi F443, Midi F454, Midi F455, P563, P567, P2600, P2610, Power Pack 42 CM, Profi 88-10, Profi 88-20, R144, R152, Rack 25, Rack 30, Rack 40, RACK F130, Rack F130R, Rack F141, Rack F141R record players, turntables and systems.

Upgrade Philips GP331E Elliptical Stylus

Philips GP331E Stylus Ref 579E

Philips GP331E Stylus Ref 579E

Price: £35.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Elliptical Stylus Ref 579E compatible with Philips GP331E cartridge as fitted to Philips Digital 750, F238, F239S, F1233, F1235, FP140MkII, Laser 8000 record players, turntables and systems.

Philips GP370 Stylus Ref 131D

Philips GP370 Stylus Ref 131D

Price: £20.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 131 compatible with Philips GP370, Aiwa M32 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: Philips GP370
Record Player Models: Philips GF808
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 to 4 grams, Colour: Beige (may vary)

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