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Kenwood Trio Stylus Selection by Stylus Part Number

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Kenwood Trio N50 Stylus Ref 820D - Discontinued

Kenwood Trio N50 Stylus Ref 820D - Discontinued

Price: £20.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 820D compatible with Kenwood, Trio N50, N51 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V50, V51
Record Player Models: KD7X, KD22R, KD33F, KD40R, KD40RB, KD44R, KD50F, KD55F (some check shape), KD222R, KD990, KD1600 MkII, KRX7, P7, SP125C
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.5 grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N52 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3400 Ref 155D

Kenwood Trio N52 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3400 Ref 155D

RRP: £22.00

Price: £19.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Audio Technica ATN3400/Kenwood Trio N52 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V52
Record Player Models: AV-929, K-52BRX, K-92B, K-92WB, K-92WBX, , K-32F, KD-41R, KD-41RBC, KD-41RC, KD-42R, KD-42RB, KD-51C, KD-51F, KD-52F, KD-55F, KD-S1FBC, P9
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2.50 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N53 Stylus, Toshiba N33C Ref 811D

Kenwood Trio N53 Stylus, Toshiba N33C Ref 811D

Price: £21.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 811D compatible with Kenwood, Trio N53/Toshiba N33C as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V53, V53A
Record Player Models: KD9X, KD9XB, P5B, P5B, P50
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 - 3 grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N54 Stylus Ref T6021DS

Kenwood Trio N54 Stylus Ref T6021DS

RRP: £23.00

Price: £21.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref T6021DS compatible with Kenwood Trio N54 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V54
Record Player Models: Fisher S2100, Kenwood Trio K32B, K52B, KA32, KD12R, KD12RB, KD21R, KD21RBC, KD21RC, KD31F, KD32FB, KD51F, Spectrum 525, Spectrum 919, V31, V31G, V51, V71
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.50 grams, Colour: Blue (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N57E Stylus, Audio Technica ATN312EP Ref 147E - Discontinued

Kenwood Trio N57E Stylus, Audio Technica ATN312EP Ref 147E - Discontinued

Price: £50.00

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Audio Technica original diamond elliptical ATN312EP stylus Ref 147E compatible with Kenwood Trio N58E as fitted to Kenwood cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: V57
Record Player Models: 99CD, KD727
Stylus Profile: Elliptical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.25 grams, Colour: Ivory/Orange (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N58IM Stylus, Toshiba N76DY Ref 751D

Kenwood Trio N58IM Stylus, Toshiba N76DY Ref 751D

Price: £21.00

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Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 751D compatible with Toshiba N76DY/Kenwood Trio N58IM as fitted to Kenwood cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: V58IM
Record Player Models: KD74F
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.5 to 2.0 grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N59 Stylus, Toshiba N76D Ref 751D - Discontinued

Kenwood Trio N59 Stylus, Toshiba N76D Ref 751D - Discontinued

Price: £21.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 751 compatible with Toshiba N76D/Kenwood Trio N59 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V59
Record Player Models: M-6G, P-D840
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.25 grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N61 Stylus, Sansui SN80 419D

Kenwood Trio N61 Stylus, Sansui SN80 419D

Price: £21.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Sansui SN80/Kenwood N61 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V61
Record Player Models: M-3S, M-30, M-630CD, P-3X, P-33S, P-33X, P-42, P-44
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 3 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N62 Stylus Ref T6183DS

Kenwood Trio N62 Stylus Ref T6183DS

Price: £23.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Kenwood, Trio N62 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V62
Record Player Models: K-3400, K-5400BX, K-5500WB, K-7400, K-7500, K-9500WCD, KD-34, KD-35R, KD-35RB, K-35RCLB, KD-38R, KD-54R, KD-55RB, KD-61F, KD-64F, KD-65F
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: grams, Colour: Blue (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N63 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3472P Ref 125D

Kenwood Trio N63 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3472P Ref 125D

Price: £19.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Audio Technica ATN3472P/ Kenwood Trio N63 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V63
Record Player Models: KD-44, KD-54, KD-55R, KD-64FCL, KD-74, KX-64, Spectrum 64B, System 54B
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.25 grams, Colour: Grey (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N64 Stylus, Sharp STY129 Ref T393DS

Kenwood Trio N64 Stylus, Sharp STY129 Ref T393DS

Price: £24.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Sharp STY129/Kenwood Trio N64 as fitted to Kenwood Trio cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: V64
Record Player Models: HD-770, KD-75S, KD-76F, KP-747, LD-77F, M-7S, P-5S, P-7S, P-7X, P-91, Roxy D5, Roxy D7, Roxy D9F, Series 9
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 3 grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Kenwood Trio N65 Stylus, Toshiba N36C Ref 544D

Kenwood Trio N65 Stylus, Toshiba N36C Ref 544D

Price: £20.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 544 compatible with Toshiba N36C/Kenwood N65 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V65
Record Player Models: P-D1TV
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: grams, Colour: Green (may vary)

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