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Replacement Styli

The majority of styli are no longer available as original equipment unless stated 'original'. The replacement styli on this site are precision manufactured in Switzerland to high quality standards that ensure performance closely matches original. If you have not been able to identify a particular stylus from the detail on our catalogue pages then please contact us with your player details and we will check it out!

Ion ICT05RS Stereo/Mono Diamond Stylus, Sanyo ST05D Ref T6175DS

Ion ICT05RS Stereo/Mono Diamond Stylus, Sanyo ST05D Ref T6175DS

Price: £16.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stereo/Mono Stylus compatible with Sanyo ST05D/Ion ICT05RS (33/45 rpm speed only) for cartridge type fitted on Ion turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: ICT05, MG05
Record Player Models: Air LP, Archive LP, CD Direct, Classic LP, Contour LP, Duo Deck, Forever LP, ILP, iProfile, IPT USB, Live LP, LP260, Max LP, Mobile LP, Power Play LP, Quick Play LP, Quick Play Flash, Vertical Vinyl, Vinyl Motion, Vinyl Motion Deluxe,
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 3 to 5 grams, Colour: Red (may vary).
Note - this stylus replacement has a finer spherical tip profile for vinyl single (45 rpm) and LP (33 rpm) record playback and should not be used on 78 rpm records which require a broader sherical tip profile - diamond styli provide for a significant longer stylus life (300-400 hours) than alternative ruby/sapphire (50-100 hours) replacement stylus types.

Order Sanyo Stylus ST05D78 for 78 rpm records

Ion ICT04 Diamond Stylus, Sanyo ST09 Ref T6259DS

Ion ICT04 Diamond Stylus, Sanyo ST09 Ref T6259DS

Price: £19.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Sanyo ST09D as fitted to cartridges for Ion GT USB, IDJ03, iProfile, IPT01, ITT02A, ITT03, ITT05, ITTcd10, ITTusb, ITTusb05, ITTusb10, LP2CD, LPDock, Profile LP, Profile Pro LP, TTusb, TTusb5, TTusb10 record players, plattenspieler.
Note - this stylus replacement has a finer spherical tip profile for vinyl single (45 rpm) and LP (33 rpm) record playback and should not be used on 78 rpm records which require a broader sherical tip profile.

Order Sanyo Stylus ST09D78 for 78 rpm records

Ion ITTUSB, TTUSB 78 rpm Stylus, Sanyo ST09D78 Ref 392D78

Ion ITTUSB, TTUSB 78 rpm Stylus, Sanyo ST09D78 Ref 392D78

Price: £27.00

out of stock

Replacement Stylus compatible with Sanyo ST09 78 for cartridges on Ion ITTUSB 78 rpm record players.

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