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Goodmans GSP308, GSP360 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3601 Ref T974DS

Goodmans GSP308, GSP360 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3601 Ref T974DS

Price: £21.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Audio Technica ATN3601/Sony ND142G (colour may vary) as fitted to Sony cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: AT3601
Record Player Models: Goodmans System 5150, System 5200, Delta 70P, GSP308, GSP360, GSP630, Maxim Midi, MRP2001
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 grams, Colour: Yellow (may vary)

Goodmans GSP400, GSP400S Stylus, Sanyo ST09 Stylus Ref T6259DS

Goodmans GSP400, GSP400S Stylus, Sanyo ST09 Stylus Ref T6259DS

Price: £19.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Sanyo ST09D as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG09
Record Player Models: Goodmans GSP400 GSP400S, CRN2500-1
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2.5 to 3.5 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Goodmans GSP600, GSP650 Stylus, Sanyo ST66D Ref T6164DS

Goodmans GSP600, GSP650 Stylus, Sanyo ST66D Ref T6164DS

Price: £23.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Sanyo ST66D as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG66
Record Player Models: Goodmans GSR, GSP600, GSP650
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.25 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Goodmans MCD100, MCD200 Stylus, Piezo YM308II Ref 659D - No Longer Stocked

Goodmans MCD100, MCD200 Stylus, Piezo YM308II Ref 659D - No Longer Stocked

Price: £25.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 659D compatible with Piezo YM308 II/Goodmans MCD100, MCD200 as fitted to Piezo cartridges :
Cartridge Numbers: YM308, YM308 II
Record Player Models: Goodmans Record Player Models: Goodmans GSR, GSP600, GSP650
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.50-2.50 grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Alternative Akai RS100 Stylus

Goodmans GMS60X, GMS80X, GMS150X Stylus, Sanyo ST05 Ref T6175DS

Goodmans GMS60X, GMS80X, GMS150X Stylus, Sanyo ST05 Ref T6175DS

Price: £16.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Sanyo ST05 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG05
Record Player Models: Goodmans GMS60X, GMS80X, GMS150X, System 2000, System 2710B, System 2718, System 2720, System 2728, System 2801, System 2880, System 4700, System 5500
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 3 to 5 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Goodmans 3500, MX2001, FX7000 Stylus Ref 389D

Goodmans 3500, MX2001, FX7000 Stylus Ref 389D

Price: £18.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 389D compatible with Sanyo ST111/Goodmans 3500, MX2001, FX7000 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG111
Record Player Models: Goodmans System 3500, 4100, MX2001, MX3003 Midi, 5200, FX7000
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: ## grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Goodmans 5100 Stylus, Sanyo STG9 Ref 462D

Goodmans 5100 Stylus, Sanyo STG9 Ref 462D

Price: £20.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 462D compatible with Sanyo STG9/Goodmans 5100 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG9
Record Player Models: Googmans 5100
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Goodmans 5300, PL020 Stylus, JVC DT55IIB Ref 564D

Goodmans 5300, PL020 Stylus, JVC DT55IIB Ref 564D

Price: £23.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with JVC DT55BII/ Goodmans 5500, System 5300, PL020 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MD1055BII
Record Player Models: Goodmans 5500, System 5300, PL020
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2.0 to 3.5 grams, Colour: Orange/Yellow (may vary)
It is recommended that the Stylus Replacement Fitting Instruction enclosed with the stylus is carefully followed for this particular stylus to avoid damaging the stylus parts on replacement.

Alternative Dual DN251S Stylus

Goodmans Delta 700PS Stylus Ref 559D

Goodmans Delta 700PS Stylus Ref 559D

Price: £25.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Kenwood N77/Goodmans Delta 700PS as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: V77
Record Player Models: Goodmans Delta 700PS
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.50 to 2.50 grams, Colour: Grey (may vary)

Goodmans Delta 700P Stylus, Sanyo ST66D Ref T6164DS

Goodmans Delta 700P Stylus, Sanyo ST66D Ref T6164DS

Price: £23.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Sanyo ST66D as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: MG66
Record Player Models: Goodmans Delta 700P,
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.25 grams, Colour: Red (may vary)

Goodmans Delta 800P, 801P Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3472P Ref 125D

Goodmans Delta 800P, 801P Stylus, Audio Technica ATN3472P Ref 125D

Price: £19.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus compatible with Audio Technica ATN3472P as fitted to Goodmans turntables/record players below:
Record Player: Delta 800P, Delta 801P
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 1.25 to 1.50 grams, Colour: Blue, Ivory, Black (may vary)

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