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IMPORTANT - When ordering styli please check that the shape of the stylus shown is the same as the stylus you are replacing and if the stylus fitted is different (except for colour) then Contact Us if you need assistance choosing the right stylus as it is possible that the original cartridge installed has been changed to another type requiring a different stylus replacement.

Goldring E1 Moving Magnet Cartridge

Goldring E1 Moving Magnet Cartridge

RRP: £65.00

Price: £49.00

in stock

Goldring's product warranty is valid for goods sold by Goldring Authorised Dealers.
The E1 cartridge, the first in the E-series range, utilises a carbon fibre reinforced cantilever with a bonded, spherical (0.6 mil) stylus with a round shank. Carbon is an effective alternative to more premium aluminium or boron materials, producing comparable results in most entry level hi-fi applications.

The E-series cartridges have been designed to allow micro-adjustments to be made during production using a special adjustment screw. This means the cartridge can be safely installed in a typical turntable because the angle that the stylus makes with the record surface has been pre-set. The result is an optimised channel balance with zero degrees of horizontal tracking adjustment required. This ensures a consistent and reassuring performance for the life of the product.

All cartridges in the range feature Magnetic Duplex Technology™ - a ‘dual magnet’ generator assembly which more accurately traces the record groove providing better stereo separation with a more involving and musical sound stage and are designed to capture this experience when used with all medium to high mass tonearms found on the majority of budget to medium priced turntables.

Featuring a spherical stylus with carbon cantilever, the E1 model is a first step upgrade for any budget, pre-fitted or obsolete cartridge.
Type MM
Mounting12.7 mm (0.5 in)
Weight 6.9 g
Stylus Spherical 0.6 mil
Vertical Tracking Angle  20°
Cantilever Carbon Fibre
Tracking Force 1.5 - 2.5 g (2.0 g recommended)
Sensitivity 3.5 mV (1kHz @ 5 cm/s)
Frequency Response 20Hz-20kHz
Channel Balance 1.5 dB at 1kHz
Channel Separation >20 dB at 1kHz
Internal Resistance410 Ohms
Internal Inductance400 mH (1kHz)
Static Compliance 20 mm/N
Load Capacitance100 - 200 pF
Load Impedance 47 kOhm
Mantra Audio is an authorised online dealer for Goldring products. Goldring's warranty is only valid on products sold by authorised resellers. Goldring products are sometimes sold by resellers that are not authorised particularly through the Amazon platform and on eBay. You can check whether a reseller is authorised by visiting www.goldring.co.uk.

Goldring E1 Replacement Stylus

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