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IMPORTANT - When ordering styli please check that the shape of the stylus shown is the same as the stylus you are replacing and if the stylus fitted is different (except for colour) then Contact Us if you need assistance choosing the right stylus as it is possible that the original cartridge installed has been changed to another type requiring a different stylus replacement.

Goldring 1022GX Moving Magnet Cartridge

Goldring 1022GX Moving Magnet Cartridge

RRP: £369.00

Price: £315.00

in stock

Goldring's product warranty is valid for goods sold by Goldring Authorised Dealers.
The 1022GX is recommended for the discerning listener. The diamond stylus is a Vital PH type which provides increased resolution and ensures the maximum accuracy of musical reproduction. The 1000 series uses a unique ultra-low-mass, micro-miniature Alnico V magnet made to an exceptionally fine tolerance with a gold plated nickel tie-bar welded to the magnet to provide an earth path for vinyl static build up and stabilise the cantilever in unwanted vibrational modes. A strong one piece low mass Pocan body is used to hold the fixed parts securely in place including the high efficiency magnetic circuit incorporating finely etched mu-metal laminated to form the pole pieces around which are fitted two formerless coils of four thousand turns each to reduce the loss of high frequencies inherent in more conventional designs.
Type Moving Magnet
MountingStandard 1/2"
Weight 6.3 g, 7.6 g (inc. fixings)
Frequency Response 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 3dB
Channel Balance 2.0 dB @ 1kHz
Channel Separation >25 dB (1kHz)
Sensitivity 6.5 mV +/- 1.5 dB (1kHz, 5cm/s)
Static Compliance 20 mm/N
Dynamic Compliance @ 10 Hz 10 mm/N
Equivalent Tip Mass 0.45 mg
Vertical Tracking Angle  24°
Stylus Vital PH
Playing Weight1.5 - 2.0 g (1.7 g Nominal)
Internal Resistance660 Ohms
Internal Inductance570 mH (1kHz)
Load Capacitance50 - 200 pF
Load Impedance 47 kOhm
Mantra Audio is an authorised online dealer for Goldring products. Goldring's warranty is only valid on products sold by authorised resellers. Goldring products are sometimes sold by resellers that are not authorised particularly through the Amazon platform and on eBay. You can check whether a reseller is authorised by visiting www.goldring.co.uk.

Goldring D22GX Replacement Stylus

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