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Columbia Denon DSN32 Stylus, Mitsubishi 3D-29M Ref 310D

Columbia Denon DSN32 Stylus, Mitsubishi 3D-29M Ref 310D

Price: £13.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 310 compatible with Mitsubishi 3D29M/Denon DSN32 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: JC22
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: ## grams, Colour: Green (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN34 Stylus, Sharp STY555 Ref 745D

Columbia Denon DSN34 Stylus, Sharp STY555 Ref 745D

Price: £19.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 745 compatible with Sharp STY555/Denon DSN34 as fitted to Denon cartridges on turntables/record players below:
Cartridge Numbers: JM16
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 grams, Colour: White (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN35, DSN36 Stylus Ref 831D

Columbia Denon DSN35, DSN36 Stylus Ref 831D

Price: £15.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 831 compatible with Columbia Denon DSN35, DSN36 as fitted to Denon cartridges and turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridges: DL109D, DL109R
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: White (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN37 Stylus Ref T892DS

Columbia Denon DSN37 Stylus Ref T892DS

Price: £19.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref T892DS compatible with Columbia Denon DSN37 as fitted to Denon cartridges and turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridges: DL109DU, DL8A
Record Player Models: DL8A
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: x grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN38 Stylus, Sanyo ST17D Ref 671D

Columbia Denon DSN38 Stylus, Sanyo ST17D Ref 671D

Price: £16.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 671 compatible with Sanyo ST17D/Denon DSN38 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: JC23, JL23
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 3 to 4 grams, Colour: White (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN39 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN71 Ref 758D

Columbia Denon DSN39 Stylus, Audio Technica ATN71 Ref 758D

Price: £23.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 758 compatible with Audio Technica ATN71/Denon DSN39 as fitted to Denon cartridges and turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: JM18
Record Player Models: Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 grams, Colour: Yellow (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN40 Stylus Ref 830D

Columbia Denon DSN40 Stylus Ref 830D

Price: £15.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 830 compatible with Columbia Denon DSN40 as fitted to Denon cartridges and turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridges: DL108D, DL108R, DL108U, DL109RU
Record Player Models: DL108D, DPL108D
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: White (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN41 Stylus Ref 830D

Columbia Denon DSN41 Stylus Ref 830D

Price: £15.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 830 compatible with Columbia Denon DSN41 as fitted to Denon cartridges and turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridges: DL108D, DL108R, DL108U, DL109RU
Record Player Models: DL108D, DPL108D
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: White (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN42 Stylus Ref T892DS

Columbia Denon DSN42 Stylus Ref T892DS

Price: £19.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref T892DS compatible with Columbia Denon DSN42 as fitted to Denon cartridges and turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridges: DL109DU, DL8A
Record Player Models: DL8A
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: x grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN44 Stylus, Piezo YM121 Ref 673D

Columbia Denon DSN44 Stylus, Piezo YM121 Ref 673D

Price: £21.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 637 compatible with Piezo YM121/Denon DSN44 as fitted to Denon cartridges and turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: DL47
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2.00-2.50 grams, Colour: Black (may vary)

Columbia Denon DSN45 Stylus, Sanyo STG5 Ref 760D

Columbia Denon DSN45 Stylus, Sanyo STG5 Ref 760D

Price: £16.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 760 compatible with Sanyo STG5/Denon DSN45 as fitted to cartridges on turntable/record player systems below:
Cartridge Numbers: JM24
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 5 grams, Colour: Black

Columbia Denon DSN46 Stylus Ref 781E

Columbia Denon DSN46 Stylus Ref 781E

Price: £35.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Elliptical Stylus Ref 781 compatible with Denon DSN46 as fitted to Denon cartridges and turntable/ record player models below:
Cartridge Numbers: DL202
Record Players:
Stylus Profile: Elliptical Diamond, Tracking Force: ## grams, Colour: Grey

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