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BSR ST19D, ST22D Stylus ST Ref 173D

BSR ST19D, ST22D Stylus ST Ref 173D

Price: £11.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 173D compatible with BSR ST19, ST22, ST23 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: SX6H, SX6M, X4M, X5M
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 to 6 grams, Colour: White

Alternative BSR ST19 Sapphire Stylus

BSR ST20 Stylus Ref 174S

BSR ST20 Stylus Ref 174S

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 174S compatible with BSR ST20, ST21, Onkyo DN31, Ronette RC2/4 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: BSR QX8H1, SC1DH, SC7M, SC8H, SC10H, SC11M, SC12M, Hitachi HRD1001101, Onkyo OC31M, Sony SC21M, VX70
Record Player Models: Admiral 1121, 1141-1191, Airline 2123E,, 2123F, 2125A, Binatone Music Machine, Music Tower, Studio 5, BSR 3852, Bush 9330, Capehart CTP25, CTP58, Dejay EMM4, SP2, SP4, SP5, SP6, SP7, SP11, SP20, SP25, SP225, SP475, Emerson 101, 32P50, BH249, D80, DS50, DS51, M15E, Ferguson 1825, 3951, 3951B, Studio 90, Fidelity 1525-7, 15300, 15600, IS500, IS525, IS600, IS650, S100, S220, UA10, UA60, UA105, ITT 3910, 5025, 5030, 5035, 5036, MC4050, Philarmonic JR200, Philips AH979, Pye 1625, Sears 132-90011400, 132-90021400, 132-91361403, 171-32524200, 171-32525200,, 171-32530300, 171-32540200, 171-32540201, 171-32560200, 171-32570300, 171-32580200, 171-32624200, 171-32643200, Sentra 825, Teletone 4750, 4759
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 2 to 6 grams, Colour: White

BSR ST20 Stylus Ref 175D - Discontinued

BSR ST20 Stylus Ref 175D - Discontinued

Price: £18.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 175D compatible with BSR ST20, ST21, Onkyo DN31, Ronette RC2/4 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: BSR QX8H1, SC1DH, SC7M, SC8H, SC10H, SC11M, SC12M, Hitachi HRD1001101, Onkyo OC31M, Sony SC21M, VX70
Record Player Models: Admiral 1121, 1141-1191, Airline 2123E,, 2123F, 2125A, Binatone Music Machine, Music Tower, Studio 5, BSR 3852, Bush 9330, Capehart CTP25, CTP58, Dejay EMM4, SP2, SP4, SP5, SP6, SP7, SP11, SP20, SP25, SP225, SP475, Emerson 101, 32P50, BH249, D80, DS50, DS51, M15E, Ferguson 1825, 3951, 3951B, Studio 90, Fidelity 1525-7, 15300, 15600, IS500, IS525, IS600, IS650, S100, S220, UA10, UA60, UA105, ITT 3910, 5025, 5030, 5035, 5036, MC4050, Philarmonic JR200, Philips AH979, Pye 1625, Sears 132-90011400, 132-90021400, 132-91361403, 171-32524200, 171-32525200,, 171-32530300, 171-32540200, 171-32540201, 171-32560200, 171-32570300, 171-32580200, 171-32624200, 171-32643200, Sentra 825, Teletone 4750, 4759
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 to 6 grams, Colour: White

Alternative Sapphire BSR ST20 Stylus

BSR ST21D Stylus Ref 175D - Discontinued

BSR ST21D Stylus Ref 175D - Discontinued

Price: £18.00

out of stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 175D compatible with BSR ST20, ST21 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: QX8H1, SC1DH, SC7M, SC8H, SC10H
Record Player Models: 3852
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 2 to 6 grams, Colour: White

Alternative Sapphire BSR ST20 Stylus

BSR ST23 Stylus Ref 603S - Discontinued

BSR ST23 Stylus Ref 603S - Discontinued

Price: £8.00

out of stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 603S ST single compatible with BSR ST22, ST23 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: SC5H, SC5M, SX5M, SX6M, SX6H, X5M
Record Player Models: See ST14
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: White

Alternative BSR ST23 Diamond Stylus

BSR ST23 Stylus Ref 603D

BSR ST23 Stylus Ref 603D

Price: £10.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 603D ST single compatible with BSR ST22, ST23 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: SC5H, SC5M, SX5M, SX6M, SX6H, X5M
Record Player Models: See ST14
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: White

Birmingham Sound Reproducers BSR TC8 78 RPM Stylus Ref T47DN - Discontinued

Birmingham Sound Reproducers BSR TC8 78 RPM Stylus Ref T47DN - Discontinued

Price: £19.00

out of stock

Replacement 78 RPM Stylus Ref T47DN compatible with BSR TC8 78 RPM as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Astatic 118, 120, 124, 310, 312, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 340, 350, 414, 416,420, 422, 424, 426, 434, 436, 438, 444, 448, 452, 454, 456, 468, 470, 472, 474, 601, 603, 604, 609, 631, 633, 635, 637, 639, 643, 659, 661, Stereo 70, Stereo 74, Stereo, 76, Stereo 78, Stereo 80, Stereo 86, Brother 200, BSR P119, P120, P121,TC8, TC8G, TC8H, TC8M, TC8R, TC8S, TC8SM, Hitachi HC11/1, Kaisui JC20, Philso 35-2775, Piezo Y99, Y171, Y330, Tonacord Tonar 100, 202, 203, 400, 400H, Zenith 142-47, 142-84, 142-85, 142-86, 142-95, 142-96, 142-97, 142-124, 142-125, 142-161B, 942-8B, 942-44, 942-45, 942-46, 942-60, 942-62
Record Player Models: BSR P281, National Panasonic SG100, SG200, SG220, SG330, SG333, SG334, SG336, SG350, SG354, SG356, SG358, SG376, SG400, SG400A, SG400AC, SG515, SG530, SG550, SG551, SG553, SG573, SG610, SG634, SG635, SG650, SG719, SG733, SG773, SG830, SG840, SG870, Pye Monarch
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 6 to 9 grams, Colour: Copper

Birmingham Sound Reproducers BSR TC8 Stylus Ref 167S

Birmingham Sound Reproducers BSR TC8 Stylus Ref 167S

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 167S ST/LP compatible with BSR TC8 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Astatic 118, 120, 124, 310, 312, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 340, 350, 414, 416,420, 422, 424, 426, 434, 436, 438, 444, 448, 452, 454, 456, 468, 470, 472, 474, 601, 603, 604, 609, 631, 633, 635, 637, 639, 643, 659, 661, Stereo 70, Stereo 74, Stereo, 76, Stereo 78, Stereo 80, Stereo 86, Brother 200, BSR P119, P120, P121,TC8, TC8G, TC8H, TC8M, TC8R, TC8S, TC8SM, Hitachi HC11/1, Kaisui JC20, Philso 35-2775, Piezo Y99, Y171, Y330, Tonacord Tonar 100, 202, 203, 400, 400H, Zenith 142-47, 142-84, 142-85, 142-86, 142-95, 142-96, 142-97, 142-124, 142-125, 142-161B, 942-8B, 942-44, 942-45, 942-46, 942-60, 942-62
Record Player Models: BSR P281, National Panasonic SG100, SG200, SG220, SG330, SG333, SG334, SG336, SG350, SG354, SG356, SG358, SG376, SG400, SG400A, SG400AC, SG515, SG530, SG550, SG551, SG553, SG573, SG610, SG634, SG635, SG650, SG719, SG733, SG773, SG830, SG840, SG870, Pye Monarch
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 6 to 9 grams, Colour: Copper

Birmingham Sound Reproducers BSR TC8 Stylus Ref 167D

Birmingham Sound Reproducers BSR TC8 Stylus Ref 167D

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 167D ST/LP compatible with BSR TC8 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Astatic 118, 120, 124, 310, 312, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 340, 350, 414, 416,420, 422, 424, 426, 434, 436, 438, 444, 448, 452, 454, 456, 468, 470, 472, 474, 601, 603, 604, 609, 631, 633, 635, 637, 639, 643, 659, 661, Stereo 70, Stereo 74, Stereo, 76, Stereo 78, Stereo 80, Stereo 86, Brother 200, BSR P119, P120, P121,TC8, TC8G, TC8H, TC8M, TC8R, TC8S, TC8SM, Hitachi HC11/1, Kaisui JC20, Philso 35-2775, Piezo Y99, Y171, Y330, Tonacord Tonar 100, 202, 203, 400, 400H, Zenith 142-47, 142-84, 142-85, 142-86, 142-95, 142-96, 142-97, 142-124, 142-125, 142-161B, 942-8B, 942-44, 942-45, 942-46, 942-60, 942-62
Record Player Models: BSR P281, National Panasonic SG100, SG200, SG220, SG330, SG333, SG334, SG336, SG350, SG354, SG356, SG358, SG376, SG400, SG400A, SG400AC, SG515, SG530, SG550, SG551, SG553, SG573, SG610, SG634, SG635, SG650, SG719, SG733, SG773, SG830, SG840, SG870, Pye Monarch
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: 6 to 9 grams, Colour: Copper

BSR TC12 ST/LP Stylus Ref T917DS

BSR TC12 ST/LP Stylus Ref T917DS

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus compatible with BSR TC12 as fitted to BSR cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: TC12H, TC12M, TC12S
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: 3 to 10 grams, Colour: Copper

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