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Tonar Clean Tip Carbon Fibre Stylus Brush

Tonar Clean Tip Carbon Fibre Stylus Brush

Price: £9.00 (Including VAT UK at 20%)

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The Tonar Clean Tip stylus brush is made up of densely packed short carbon fibre filaments that are very effective to keep the fine stylus tip clear of dirt and other deposits that can course interference and mis-tracking over the record groove. Use the Clean Tip stylus brush with care moving from the back to the front of the cantilever over the stylus tip 3 or 4 times only.

Milty Anti-Static Carbon Fibre Record Brush

Milty Anti-Static Carbon Fibre Record Brush

Price: £19.99 (Including VAT UK at 20%)

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Milty Anti-Static Carbon Fibre Record Brush - removes unwanted dust, dirt or small particles from your vinyl record whilst reducing any static charges

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