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Electro Voice

Electro Voice EV21 Stylus Ref 58D

Electro Voice EV21 Stylus Ref 58D

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Stylus Ref 58D compatible with Electro Voice EV21 ST/LP as fitted to cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Electro Voice 21D, 22D, 26D, 27D,27 Series, 126, 127, 128, 129, Zenith 142-92, 142-93, 142-95, 142-117, 142-118
Record Player Models: Admiral 622, 771, 1002-1019/21/22/23, 1031-33, 4131-2, 4341-97, Airline 2694-98, Magnavox - various (too numerous to list - check shape), Motorola VM21, VM22, VM23, Penncrest 5808, 5908, 7760, 7766, 7794, Westinghouse HF102, HF103
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Nickel

Electro Voice EV26 Stylus Ref 156D

Electro Voice EV26 Stylus Ref 156D

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Stylus Ref 156D compatible with Electro Voice EV26 ST/LP as fitted to cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Electro Voice 0126
Record Player Models: HiFiVox VSM Madrigal, Super 65, Sears 9900-13
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Nickel

Electro Voice EV51 Stylus Ref 162SS - Discontinued

Electro Voice EV51 Stylus Ref 162SS - Discontinued

Price: £18.00

out of stock

Replacement Ceramic Cartridge Stylus Ref 162SS compatible with Electro Voice EV51 ST/LP as fitted to cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Electro Voice 51
Record Player Models: Airline 1039, 1040, 2610, 2611, 2691, 2692, 2693, Coronado 2251, Emmerson Wondergram, Magnavox 2ST653, Motorola VM20, VM40, VM 301, Westinghouse H66, H67, H70, HF1000-1016, HF1050-1053, HM1300-1303, HM1310-1313, Zenith AP8
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Transparent Red/Blue

Electro Voice EV56 LPS/78 Stylus Ref 163SN

Electro Voice EV56 LPS/78 Stylus Ref 163SN

Price: £20.00

in stock

Replacement Ceramic Cartridge Stylus Ref 163SN compatible with Electro Voice EV56 LPS/78 as fitted to cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Electro Voice 56
Record Player Models: Coronado 9135, 9136, Dansette TRG45, VM 275-4, 275-5
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Transparent Blue/Blue

Electro Voice EV47 Stylus Ref 216SN

Electro Voice EV47 Stylus Ref 216SN

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 216SN compatible with Electro Voice EV47 ST/78 as fitted to cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Electro Voice 169
Record Player Models: Admiral 3831, Airline 2049, 2346X, 2502, 938B, Arvin 66P79, 66P98A, 86P48, 86P58, Bradford 61457, 89219A, 89425, 89680, Capitol 510, 608-1, 908-1, 808, Columbia 2013, 2214, 4002, 4700, 5022, 5130, 5132, Delmonico 23S, 220, 221, 30SB209, 30SB210, 30SB213, 36SB205, 36SB206, 36SB211, 40S406, 40S408, 40S411, 46SB401, 50SL414, 60SB402, 60SB403, 60SB405, 60SB410, 60SB415, 60SC301, 60SC303, 60SC304, Electrophonic 100, 200-44, 2151, 2745, 2759, 2760, 104055, 114365, 115170, 115265, 235347, 63242, 63326, 98655, Firestone 13R20, 13R21, 13-80-004, 30-80-007, Magnavox - various (too numerour to list - check shape), Pilot 30W, 35W, 5000 Series, Truetone 122-742, 122-1475, 122-1478, 6085A07, 6095A07
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Grey

Electro Voice EV194 Stylus Ref 243DN

Electro Voice EV194 Stylus Ref 243DN

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Diamond Stylus Ref 243DN compatible with Electro Voice EV194 ST/78 Part No. 2623 as fitted to cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Electro Voice 194
Record Player Models:
Stylus Profile: Spherical Diamond, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Grey

Electro Voice EV5083 Stylus Ref 244SNDE-DK

Electro Voice EV5083 Stylus Ref 244SNDE-DK

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus compatible with Electro Voice EV5083 ST/78 Part No. 2641 as fitted to cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Electro Voice 5000, 5001, 5003, 5010, 5012, 5014, 5015, 5018, 5050, 5051, 5053, 5058, 5075, 5074, 5085, 5086, 5088, 5092, 5168, 5169, 5170, 5559, 5560, 5561, 5562, 5800, 5863, 5864, 5866, Zenith 142-172
Record Player Models: Airline 950, 2090, 2095, 2420, 2421, 2430, 2431, 2448, 2450, 2451, 2458, 2528, 2529, 2530, 2537, 2540, 2541, 2545, 2549, 2551, 2557-60, 2621, 2629, 2630, 2638, 2650, 2651, 2659, 2750, 2760, 2780, Bradford 55582, 55590, Catalina 4107, Columbia 4060, Lloyds 9F13, 9F15, 9F19, Magnavox - various (too numerour to list - check shape), Motorola DSD654, DSD655, DSD656, DSD657, Sears - various (too numerour to list - check shape), Truetone 5839A36, 5839C36, VM1541
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Grey

Electro Voice EV2626 Stylus Ref 325SN

Electro Voice EV2626 Stylus Ref 325SN

Price: £9.00

in stock

Replacement Sapphire Stylus Ref 325SN compatible with Electro Voice EV2626 ST/78 as fitted to cartridges below:
Cartridge Numbers: Electro Voice 37, 38, 47, 72, Jensen 2T
Record Player Models: Jensen 2T, Lafayette LSC20, Magnavox 1SC246, 2SC246, , Motorola 23F21, 23PK400, 23PK402, 23SK400, 23SK402, M106, M112, PP200, PP201, Pilot 200 Series, VM 325-2, 326-1, 330-1
Stylus Profile: Spherical Sapphire, Tracking Force: # grams, Colour: Black

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